I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today's temp...

56 degrees F.

And... Sunrise: 7:03 am    Sunset: 10:41 pm

I've decided I do need curtains (blackout), especially in my bedroom after falling to insanity with a migraine yesterday and pretty much having to blindfold myself or later I hung a sheet in the window and was on bed-rest all day. yuck. I don't mind it most of the time as of now. Maybe next year it'll be a bigger deal.


  1. Curtains definitely...I think I would fit perfectly in Alaska, always need more hours in my day!

  2. While I completely agree with your curtains idea (24 hours of sunlight? How about no...), for the migraine I suggest a single vicodin and a long nap in a dark quiet room. By the time you wake up the pain should be gone, or at least manageable.

    DO NOT, however, EVER mix your painkillers - ibuprofen with ibuprofen or acetaminophen with acetaminophen only. Mixing the two can lead to serious liver or kidney damage and can be be fatal if large doses are taken.

    Got that warning last time I had a migraine - I had thought it just a headache and took some painkillers thinking that'd fix it, but it only got worse, had to sit through the pain in the end.

  3. I'd forgotten about mixing meds making for bad organs. For the record, I didn't. I took a dose of Excedrine Migraine and then later took another dose when it was obvious it wasn't kicking in.

    It's good to remember not to mix. MIXING IS BAD PEOPLE!!! Don't do it!

    I agree with Jessica though, that drugs then a long nap in a dark room is the best Rx for a migraine, unfortunately, i have to work through more of them than I'd like to.
