I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bunny Boots!!!

I ordered Bunny boots last week after my ice fishing trip when I realized that my toes were cramped in my "big boots" and thus losing circulation and warmth. Freezing toes on tundra is BAD.

Bunny Boots (Mickey Mouse Boots) Black- Rated waterproof and warm to about -50 (or -80 depending on who you talk to)
Bunny Boot, White- Good for anything colder than the Black ones

Story goes... Bunny Boots (black ones are sometimes called Mickey Mouse Boots)  were originally a US military issue boot meant for cold weather. They are rated to ridiculously cold weather. Waterproof because they are made from a single piece of rubber. From images, it almost looks like it's a single piece that they somehow molded around the insulation.


Cut in half

There is a layer of insulation and a valve that you use to keep warm air inside (haven't quite figured out how that works. I think you have to leave valve open on flights). 

I found boots in my size on ebay for $45 brand new. After having the coldest winter in 30 years here in Alaska, I opted to go ahead and get the white ones just to make sure I got to keep my toes no matter what. Only downside is that it's spring-time now really (no coats at 25 degrees ;))

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