I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

G-Chat Conversation on Water

Friend: explain water delivery to me please

me: OK, water delivery...
  Some people are on city water/sewer and some people (like me) have tanks either inside their homes (usually in the arctic entry) or outside in a tank where it's piped in.
obviously, tanks inside the house are a little better off because you don't have to thaw the water in the winter
  Each tank is a different size. usually 500+ gallons.
  Water is delivered on different schedules. Some people have it delivered once a month and some every 2 weeks or even every weekMine is delivered every other week and my tank is inside my arctic entry
 Friend: how big is an arctic entry?
 me: I have to watch how fast it's being used so I don't end up without water
  every place is different
 Friend: and is it expensive? and I have no idea what is normal for water use
 me: think of it like a mud-roomFriend: yeah
  I know what it is, I just didn't know if it was bigger or smaller than a mud room
 me: 1000 gallons once a month is about $96. twice a month is is about $190
 Friend: a water tank is big
 me: it isthere's enough room usually to store shoes and maybe coats and water tank and heaterFriend: and a freezer
 me: mine could hold a freezer too (not too big)
 Friend: you will get good at fast showers
me: i already amFriend: yeah
  washing clothes when necessary only
  I'm interested to see how much you use
me: me too

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