I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

makin grub!

Today I made what I consider my first REAL meal. I made my Great Aunt's Stew (crock-pot recipe). Unfortunately, my crock pot is a little small for all of it and it's also apparently got a predisposition to things baking on the crock. Very much NOT helpful. I'm thinking if I keep making crock-pot recipes I may upgrade to a larger version and maybe also a digital model.

I've got plans to make my favorite chili too. It's a bit on the spicy side so it kinda automatically warms you up. G-ma sent me a lentil soup recipe so I'll make that one soon too. Please feel free to send me any other recipes you think might be yummy up here.


I got through a bunch of clothes today and got them all put away. I also fixed a bunch of stuff on the shelves. Things are looking better and better in my apt. When the 2 shelf unit I bought get here it'll be a lot better  and I'll have storage for much much more.

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