I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Alaska Dispatch news

Alaska... Science vs religion (fishing restrictions) [click here]

There are 2 sides to every situation, the question is... can we come to a conclusion that will satisfy both?

I understand the significance of religious points of view and wanting to maintain the culture, however, if regulations aren't followed, how long until there won't be any fish to fish? There would be no way to pass down that part of culture except through stories.

Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way, but I'm almost seeing the tables turned here. White man's regulations are trying to preserve for generations to come where the stubbornness of some threaten to kill off a centuries old way of life. Is it truly about religious/cultural freedoms or is it about sticking it to the man?

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