I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rain Water

I learned last night that rainwater here is not the acid rain nastiness that I'm used to. I don't know that i would go so far as to say it's potable since the environment is picking it up from somewhere else outside, but it is gentle enough that if you wash your hair in rainwater, your hair is nice and soft.

My assistant has a couple barrels/huge Rubbermaid containers out to catch it as back-up water for when they need more than they have trucked in.

It's nice living in a place where the rainwater won't give you an instant need for a decontamination bath.

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