I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Changing out the locks

I arrived home from the gym tonight to hear this from the stairs leading to my door... "Erin, You're going to hate me."

I don't hate much, if anything in this world (strongly dislike - like mornings or getting pooped on by a bird- but not hate).

It was the guy who is changing out the locks on my apartment (and the apartments of those connected to me). He got my inside door rekeyed Halloween night, he said he'd be back yesterday but wasn't. No biggie, I had both keys. Turns out he had an emergency call to one of the villages, a Halloween break-in/prank into a clinic. If that's the biggest thing that happened Halloween, we're doing good. At 7:30 when I pull in wearing gym clothes and a vest (luckily this included some Under Armor, he tells me he's been there since 6 trying to drill out the lock because even though he tried it with the key and from the inside, when he went outside to finish part of the door, the deadbolt became stuck. 30 more minutes of drilling, using a crowbar and some other tools and we were in.

Good thing- the door is super-hard to drill out. Hopefully at 20 degrees, someone would give up long before we had to. Also, my doors are now impossible to use a credit card to get open.

I offered my re-keying guy something warm to drink and he replied that he was already too hot. from working on the door. But I'm inside and getting toasty.

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