I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Post 2 Blizzards in 1 Week

You read that correctly. We've had 2 blizzards in the last week.  Blizzard being defined as (per Encyclopedia Britannica):

severe weather condition that is distinguished by low temperatures, strong winds, and large quantities of either falling or blowing snow. The U.S. Weather Service defines a blizzard as a storm with winds of more than 56 km (35 miles) per hour and enough snow to limit visibility to 150 m (500 feet) or less. A severe blizzard has winds of over 72 km (45 miles) per hour, visibility near zero, and temperatures of -12 C (10 F) or lower. A ground blizzard occurs when there is no falling snow, but snow is drifting and blowing near the ground
 I'm used to blizzards in the Upstate New York region that are virtually white-out conditions with accumulation of feet of snow. We only had inches like 6ish each time and more on the landings/stairs leading up to the door but not as much as I'm used to.

I shoveled briefly Sat (45 minutes) clearing my stairs and around my car, also cleaning off my car, and then yesterday, i went out excepting about 45-60 min and ended out there for somewhere between 2-3 hrs. My back was a mess when I came in. I basically had to stretch out on the couch with my heating pad for a couple hrs and take it easy the rest of the night. Can't slack off today though because I've got a field-trip of high school students coming to tour the booth tomorrow. Gotta get ready.

Oh, temp when I woke up: 9 degrees F and a high today of 13 degrees. Wind chill hovering around 0.

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