I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Frozen Water

Saturday: turn on outside breaker to heat the above ground septic tank so come Monday, The Public Works dept can deliver water and remove my sewer.

Monday AM: drive away with the water guy pulling in.
Monday PM: get home from the gym only to find a door tag saying my overflow pipe was frozen.

This basically means that the pipe sitting at the top of the tank to drain water when they start putting in too much, had been frozen since last water-fill (2 weeks ago).

Monday PM cont: I find out the neighbor did not have this problem and so i wrapped a heating pad inside my arctic entry on the offending pipe and then went outside with a hair dryer to try and work on the exposed portion, hoping that if the metal edged warmed up enough, the ice block could just slide out - Then i tried to touch the outside exposed pipe and, well... if you've ever seen A Christmas Story where the kid gets his tongue stuck to the pole outside... it was warmer there. the finger that touched the pipe... it was so cold it burned. i pulled it away quite quickly and re-gloved but dude... it hurt.

My neighbor arrived home with what he called a weed burner. I did not know what a weed burner was. I mean really. That's not part of my avg arsenal.Needless to say, it torched my frozen pipe good and proper and now I just need to call the water company and have them redeliver some water to me.

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