I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Getting it together...
Pack and Load is Wed, the 1st and I fly out next Sun am (bright and early).
Friday, May 27, 2011
Goodbye Dinner
To those who were there: Thank you very much. It was great to see everyone again and say goodbye.
To those who weren't: I send you virtual hugs and thank you for all the time we spent together.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Apparently Wild Turkeys Can Fly
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
2 weeks
This weekend has been busy. Yesterday was a wedding for a cousin on Dad's side and today was an open-house at my maternal grandmother's house to say Hi and Bye with mom's side of the family. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired and we get in the car to drive back to VA.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Endings & Beginnings
Someone also pointed out over the last couple days that the office administrator wrote in his message to everyone that I was leavin for Alsaka instead of Alaska. It's become a new woed there. At least it makes me grin
Beginnings: There was a woman I posted aboit some time back. She was a former Bethelonion and related to a patient of mine. I had been planning on calling her to try and get together over the next two weeks and enjoy some of the stories, pictures and whatnot she has to share. Imagine to my surprise when she comes into my office yesterday to see me. I'm hoping to meet up with her soon.
And in other news. I'm travelling westward this weekend for a cousin's wedding and to see family before I go. Nothing Alaska related specifically but good to go none-the-less.
And I ordered my new cellphone/plan yesterday. I do have the new number so I'll be distributing that between now and when I leave. I won't be using it until the day I get there but it'll switch pretty abruptly. It is an Android so I'll be wired. And I found out Betbel has data coverage (wifi actually) so i'll truely be wired. YAY.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Goodbye JAX (my X-terra), See you in July
::SIGH:: This is going to be a busy couple days.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sly like a Fox
For the most part everything is practically done. It's just disconcerting living out of suitcases so I've really just been putting the final clean and put away tasks off so I don't feel like such a stranger in my skin. I have to finish packing up my closet with the things that aren't going. Ultimately, it'll probably only take a day of all-day work. I'm thinking most of it will happen on Tuesday.
The goodbyes over the next couple days are going to kill me. Granted I'll still be in communication via various internet sources, but I'll be somewhere else. I know I'm going to cry repeatedly.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
So getting back to the task at hand, a couple questions have come up from people and I want to make sure I didn't leave anything out.
First is that there was a question on my To-Do list item (To-Do list is on the sidebar to the right of the blog entries) relating to returning/cancelling my extended warranty for my car. My questioner asked why I'd want to do that. The answer is that I bought the car at CarMax. You have the option to purchase an extended warranty with them or only take the 90 day warranty they offer with all sales. I went ahead with the 60 months (5 yrs) or 60k miles coverage. Problem being, there's no CarMax in Alaska at all (not that it'd be super-convenient to barge the car out of town if I wanted to get it fixed. I'd read in the Max-Care (warranty program's) brochure that it was transferable and when i called to ask about it they said I could cancel it altogether and get a refund or transfer it to the new owner. So, I'll be cancelling the remainder during that time before I leave.
Second question was if i should keep my auto insurance until I get to AK or do I have to buy separate insurance for the trip. Answer - I will be keeping my current insurance until I get up there and switch everything over. I'll have to change DMV info as well, but I don't want to do that before I have a permanent (semi-permanent) address.
The next question was a general "what the heck are you going to do now?" that has come from my Kentucky crew (I know a lot of people in and around KY that are/will be reading the blog updates). Answer to this one is that we're currently finding homes for what was leftover from the yard-sale. Monday and Wednesday are pick-ups for the stuff that didn't make it out to play-it-again sports or the pile that'll go to the SPCA. Luckily someone will be coming to pick things up (but that means I have to inventory it).
I'll be teasing out some of the things I was going to take as well. I got the estimate back from the moving company and it's estimated that I'm over the allotment given to me by the hospital but at the same time, we think they've overestimated the total lbs. (They estimated I had ~2000 lbs of household goods). So I'm planning on teasing through the books/notebooks that I'd planned on bringing and make sure I really need it or set things up to go USPS in some flat rate boxes (USPS Flat-Rate pkg info).
This week is also a week to meet up with some people and say my goodbyes. I've already had a couple and they're not going to get easier but I don't want to leave without proper hugs and even tears. The two people I've already said my farewells to were done with heavy hearts. I'm hoping to get a few smaller things off the To-Do list this week.
Also, one of my KY crew has been very good about sending me thoughts on things to do or to think about while she reads everything. She's been very good about letting me know when I've glossed over things for everyone and what might not make sense. Considering how many variables my brain is juggling is quite welcome.
Alright, on to work and a bit of relaxation.
Monday, May 9, 2011
4 weeks
This coming weekend is Greek Fest here and the weekend after that my family travels to KY for my cousin's wedding, where I'll also be able to see a bunch of people on both sides of the family before I leave. It'll be a fast couple weeks.
I also confirmed my flight today. It'll be about 18 hrs of travel and 4 flights with 3 layovers (first 3 will at least be on the same carrier) but I'll get there and I'll start to settle in.
Oh, and this morning was the moving company survey. So I should get that estimate by the end of the week and hopefully be able to work on scheduling a departure date. Things are slowly rolling to a stopping point. I'm hoping I get to the point where I'll have a couple weeks (at least a week) of relaxation before I jump on that jet plane. This journey is almost like running that half-marathon I tried doing a while back. There are moments of 'balls-to-the-wall' and moments of 'slow down and grab some water, you idiot' and then there's the excitement and the anxiousness of 'am I really freaking doing this??? holy crap'. But there are little mile markers along the way and spectators cheering you on. But just like when I 'ran' the race, it's still a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and pushing forward.
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
It's done
... so now what do I do?
Honestly, I'm most worried about people just not showing up. We're far enough back off the main drag that we won't get walk-in traffic and you're not allowed to post signs in my city (completely lame rule). So I've posted Ads in newspaper and on craigslist and announced it on a local radio program that has a program called "Buy, Sell and Trade"... and I'm crossin my fingers for the best.
Wish me luck... or come by to check out the merchandise.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Beginnings of Goodbyes
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Chair... Before & After
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!
Chair and Ottoman have been picked up (Thanks to Dad), and I'll post pics sometime tonight between runs with the last bit of furniture. It's really hard to believe the yard-sale's in 2 days. It's going to be an interesting few days. Cross your fingers for me people. I'm hoping to get rid of everything so come, and bring friends. Reasonable offers will not be turned down.
K, gonna go rest my wired brain so I can be ready for tonight's insanity.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Also, a good family friend is going to help me out with the use of his truck to move some stuff. There should be very little to bring back over for the yard sale but my brothers still have a couple things in the storage unit and I'm meeting with the moving company Monday morning.
Got through a bunch of clothes/shoes to get things pkged up to be sent over to storage for trip to AK.
And I still need to price things, Ugg... I'll be quite glad when the sale is over and things are gone.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Health Insurance
My work-mom (different from a biological mom) and I somehow got on the topic today of my insurance and trying to make sure it doesn't lapse between jobs. So after a bit of forwarding questions to the right people I found this...
My current health insurance will go until the end of this month (since this is the month I'll be leaving work). After that, I have 60 days to begin COBRA benefits if I want them and I can use them for up to 18months. Now, me new place of employment is supposed to begin coverage on the first day of the month after my start date. Since my start-date is June 8th my new coverage should start July 1.
If all goes well, I shouldn't have to begin COBRA benefits. I should hopefully only have 1 month of no official coverage where I'll keep my old insurance cards and COBRA benefits if I need them.
Also in today's news... dad was super-awesome and made a run to my storage unit today to deposit some things and also to bring back some smaller furniture. There aren't many pieces now that need to come back here. I was able to go through my old jewelry box (that is going in the sale) and found a bunch of old "costume" jewelry and watches to go into the sale. Alright, time for these weary eyes to drift into dream-land. I didn't get a good night's sleep last night.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
5 Weeks... (left in Norfolk)
Today's been:
- Going through DVD's and CD's making sure CD's are ripped in iTunes and making sure the DVD's get converted over into big wallets for ease of transport etc.
- Doing laundry and trying to separate clothes into keep with me vs sell vs send with storage
- Laundering towels and blankets that will need to be sent in the stuff to move.
- Going through as many nooks and crannies as possible to go through things for sell vs send to AK.
- Washed Kitchen stuff that needed washing and went through spices to take inventory and make a list.
I'm trying very very hard to get through as much as possible before Sat to sell as much as physically possible and also get everything over to storage that's going to be going with me. I know I'll miss things but I want to get as much as possible settled. I'm alsmost down to my maybe pile.
In the next couple days I'm going to have to pull out the luggage I'm going to take and start packing what's going with me to make sure it's ready.
Also starting a list of things to do in my last 2 weeks when I'll have all day everyday. I'm surprised I haven't truly screwed anything up yet. sigh, one foot in front of the other.