I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend (1st weekend in my new place)

So Friday was my first real day in my new place. It was quite nice to be able to start settling in. I'm still trying to decide what furniture orientation will work best with the stuff I've got coming. And I desperately need my kitchen stuff. I can't make much more than sandwiches, oatmeal or easy-mac. Oh, and Hot chocolate. I think that'll be a year-round drink up here.

Just have to put it out there, I had to turn on the heater last night. It's a Toyo-Stove.A little kerosine heater that heats the entire apt quite well.

Won our softball game Sunday, but unfortunately, we were trounced pretty badly yesterday. I suppose it could have been worse. Ultimately, we got 2nd place in the tournament (5 teams total)

I have to say I have awesome co-workers. Since I don't have my car yet, I had one in particular who helped move me from temporary housing to my new place. And then, on Friday, was my chauffeur as I deposited a paycheck at the bank, set up electric services AND got my internet/cable set up. Awesomeness in a bundle. Everything was pretty much done. Oh, and we stopped at the post office on our way back to work.

BTW, just for post office runs, I CAN'T WAIT for my car. I don't love traipsing across town carrying packages. And my latest Amazon order was split into multiple boxes so fun fun.

OK, that's it for now. I'll try to remember more as the day goes on. Hopefully I'll have internet soon too.

1 comment:

  1. Your new place looks cozy and your chair will look great! Way to go on the softball win...sounds like you are settling in, we miss you. XOXO
