I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Saturday

Hello!!! FYI, it's raining again. My Bogs are getting a lot of use.

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my car. The barge is supposed to arrive this weekend (if everything went as planned) and when they offload my car I'll get a call. When that call comes in, I'll take a cab to the docks and find the people in charge.I will hopefully soon have my car. If it doesn't come till Mon or Tues I can go at lunch or after work. If I have a DNKA (did not keep appointment), I can run out too.

I should also mention that my couch is quite comfy to sleep on. I was up reading last night on the couch and totally passed out. Slept long and hard. It was great. So if anybody wants to come visit and doesn't mind the couch you're set.

Last night I went over to a co-workers house and watched the first couple episodes of this season's True Blood. We hit up the grocery store before and got snacks. I took pictures of some of the prices. As soon as I get a better connection, I'll post the pics.

I also have been doing a LOT of online shopping for things. Everything from the normal stuff I'd normally buy on amazon (CDs, books, etc) and now I'm adding household goods such as a shower caddy and bathroom rugs. I'll probably end up with some organizing pieces for clothes or the bathroom. I also found a bunch of Gluten free foods. I'll order things periodically and supplement what I can get here.

My household stuff is still in route. We'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll get it soon. I'd really like to start making real food with real stuff. super excited about my crock-pot. Totally ready for stew and chili. Thinking about things I want to make already. Which reminds me...

Please please please, send me any and all recipes you may have for fresh fish (mostly salmon, but halibut too). Also any slow-cooker recipes. I'm going to become a much better cook being up here. Raw ingredients are MUCH more efficient than buying ready cooled meals or eating out.

Back to relaxing.

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