I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Signed my lease

49 degrees right now with a 70% chance of rain, oh and windy as all get out. And guess what I didn't bring to work... yep, a raincoat (i brought the darn things yesterday, I can't wait to have one stashed in my car). My place was creakin' and shakin' all night long. I passed out to the lullaby of groaning wind.

So leases here are mostly month-to-month and they ask for 1 month notice when you're going to move out. Not bad really. I have water delivered every other week. I'm working on figuring out my deliveries at the moment because it was supposed to be delivered Monday but since Mon was a holiday they delivered Sun and mine was NOT delivered. I have a feeling it's still on once a month deliveries after the last tenant so I've got to get that fixed. I've got to drop my lease off with my landlord today/tonight so I'll talk to him then.

Some fun news, my landlord said I could paint (being careful of course) and hang stuff on walls. I have a few decorative things en route to hang and whatnot, but I may need to get more something. We'll see as things go up. I'm thinking a burnt orange accent wall or two. The floors are an blue speckled design so I think it'll go but any suggestions would be great. I don't want to go too dark but I also don't want all pastel or all white.


  1. Are you having drinking water delivered or is all your water delivered? I was wondering how that all worked given the whole permafrost situation.

  2. Some people are on city water which runs in above-ground pipes for water/sewer (separate pipes that run parallel) and some use delivered potable water that is then held in tanks. Most are big plastic barrels, but a few (like my current barrel) is actually a big metal tank. All water is treated. I haven't had my Brita (it's on the way in the shipment of my stuff) but I haven't had issues with the water. During the winter, I'm responsible for heating up the pipe that runs from outside to my tank so water can actually come in. There's a heating element attached to it and connected to a breaker.
