I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bit of a Change

As I was attempting to check in for my flight this morning (24 hrs in advance, which got me up at 5:50am), I was a bit surprised to find out that I had an updated itinerary. Instead of leaving at 5:50am, my first flight now departs at 7:00 am, not bad for the non-morning-person that is documenting this particular fact this morning. also, I'm being routed through Seattle instead of Portland and I now have two flights on each airline instead of 3 on one and 1 on the last. My first and last flight of the day are the same.

Another couple surprises... 1) I can't check in online because there are too many legs to my flight so I'll have to get to the airport in time to check in and check luggage in the morning (ugg). 2) Since the airlines I'm traveling on are affiliated with one another, I don't need to collect baggage and re-check, my bags will be checked all the way to my destination (yay!). 3) The last legs will be on Alaska Airlines, and I've never flown with them. I called to ask if my previous legs were delayed, if because Bethel is such a small airport and it looks to be the last flight of the day, if Alaska airlines held flights from their connections and they DO NOT. (double ugg!). I get why and all but I just have to hope that all my travel goes well enough to catch itself up with itself as we go. After checking the weather across the country... it looks relatively clear but with possible showers here at the departure site as well as the arrive site. I suppose we'll see what happens.


  1. Part of any adventure is getting there...
    You will get there, but you can only hope that the road will be without too many bumps.
    - There are worse things than having your departure time moved from 5'ish to 7'ish in the morning...
    - Having an escort to meet you when you arrive to get you to your destination and to the grocery store, are just some of the little things that point out the wonderful nature of the people you will working with... We should all be so lucky!
    Enjoy the trip, and please don't forget to relax, and remember that the trip is part of the adventure... and ALL of it is worth savoring!

  2. Glad to see that your adventure has begun and you are on your way. Hoping and assuming that your delays did not mean missed connections and that you arrived safe and sound. I agree with what your Dad had to say....how wonderful that folks will meet you and take you to the grocery store to get things needed. That says volumes about the people you will be with So, how was your first day in the tundra?
