I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Made it to the West Coast

2 flights down, 2 to go. I'm getting there be it ever-so-tiring a day. I never liked packing my bags super full or having super heavy carry-ons but moving across counrty'll do that to a person. I just have to make it through the night then I can rest a while.
Thanks for those who waved at my flight leaving town. Warm fuzzies ensue.
P.S. Sea-Tac has a lot of trains to ride and switch from one to the next. Glad I had practice with the Boston train system.
Sent from my iPhone

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