I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Employee Orientation

So today began my official tenure at YKHC. We had day 1 of NEO and completed LOTS of paperwork. W4's, I9's, health insurance, 403b forms and much much more. Hopefully, tomorrow will go smoothly and I'll get everything I need for a security badge and internet access. I get to jump right into my job on Friday and then head out to one of the regional sub-clinics for next week.
It's been requested i post more pics. I'll take pics of sunlight tonight (please keep in mind it's a cloudy day). I'll try to take more pics around town too. I would have already taken some but i was on a mission to get to those apartments and check them out...
...speaking of apartments. One of the places I saw were 1 room places without bathing or stove-top, and those smelled like urine or pot. There was a 2 bedroom that I'd need a roommate for and another 1 bedroom that is run-down on the outside but nicer on the inside.I'll keep looking.
Oh and I'm heading to a party Sat night and I've been invited to a softball team starting this weekend. 3 days here and I already have a team. Sweet.

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