I'm a girl who has picked up and moved from coast to coast (& north past most of Canada). That is... Norfolk, Virginia to Bethel, Alaska. --- This journal is a record of the move, and life in the Tundra.

Friday, January 20, 2012

KUSKOKWIM 300, pt 1 or 3

I just experienced the beginning of my first dogsled race. I did get some quite decent pictures before the sun when down, but the race itself was in the dark so not as many then. I'll try and get more as the weekend progresses. And I'm volunteering on Sunday to man headquarters so I'll update the board, the internet and answer calls as people come in. Or sell stuff.

Race Map - The start in Bethel and up to Aniak and back.

Dogs use the booties to help protect their feet on the ice

The coats are for protection to, though many also have reflective tape

Anxiously awaiting the start

One of the sleds with gear for the trip

Rigging up the team

Back of the starting line with part of a team hooked up

They brought he dogs to the course loaded in the back of trucks. Some in Kennels and some just in pallets of hay

Check out those eyes

The Musher stands on the blades but also has brakes they can stand on to slow things down a bit

Waiting his turn

One of the many fur hats seen during this time of the year

Various winter weather wear

Another Fur Hat

Hanging with the team

Taking dogs up to hook up.

Waiting patiently

Back of the starting line

Starting to get riled up

A dog from Underwood's team
They know it's getting close
Rigging up a dog wearing a fur ruff

Still sitting patiently
All photos taken by Erin B

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